Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Almond Fruit Tart

Almond Cream and Poached Pear Tart


I have several tart recipe up my sleeve, maybe it is silly to tackle one more? Definitely, I don’t need to acquire extra pounds though, the toasty almond aroma sounds mighty tempting…and I really have weakness for biscuity crust.

The appearance of the tart is so-so, not glamorous! However, the poached pear and almond cream are a dynamite pear…I mean, pair.


Ingredients and Instruction for 12 x 8 tart (Print Recipe Here)

For poached pears -

  • 3 cups red wine Note: I don’t know anything about wine so I bought cheap(est) wine at the supermarket.
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 star anise
  • 5–6  pears, slice lengthwise in half then core with melon baller, peel and slice again (so that the pear is now quartered). DSC_7417

Mix red wine, sugar and star anise in a large pan, boil for 5 minutes at medium heat. Lower the heat, put prepared pears in the pan, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Cool in the pan. Set aside  Note: only part of the pears are showing.

For the crust – (do this while pears are cooking/cooling) mixer, parchment paper, pie weight (or beans) are required for this task.

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick), cubed, room temperature
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 cup low-viscosity flour or cake flour, sift with baking powder below
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds, finely chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon Kosher salt
  1. Put butter in a stand mixer bowl with whisk. Cream the butter at medium speed then add sugar, beat until light and fluffy about 2 minutes.
  2. Add egg and beat well, next add the flour mixture, almonds and lastly the salt, beat well at each addition…now you have a very wet dough.DSC_7430DSC_7431
  3. Place a large sheet of parchment paper on a flat surface. Put dough in the middle of paper, top with a second sheet of paper. Roll dough out to large enough to fit the pan you’re using. Put in the freezer to firm up, about 20 minutes.DSC_7433
  4. Heat oven to 350F. Take dough out of the freezer, peel the top parchment paper off and lay the dough-side down into the pan and carefully peel off the remaining paper. Note: you may need to do some patchwork on the dough as you handle the dough may crack.
  5. Place a clean sheet of parchment paper on top of the tart shell, letting ends extend over the edge. Fill with pie weights (or beans). Bake for 15 –17 minutes until the edges are slightly brown. Cool on the wire rack. Set aside.

For Almond cream –  or use my past tart recipes here, or here

  • 1 and 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3 large egg yolks
  • 1 and 1/2 cup almond flour
  • 2 Tablespoons flour
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract (optional)

Do this step while the crust is baking/cooling. Place butter in a stand mixer with paddle attachment (oops, I used whisk). Beat butter at medium speed until creamy, add sugar and continue to beat, add egg yolks,flour, lemon zest, salt and extract. Mix until fluffy. Chill in the refrigerator until ready.

Assembly and bake – Heat oven to 325F. Spread almond cream evenly on the top of cooled crust. Pat the pears dry with a paper towel and arrange on top of the almond cream. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes. Sprinkle toasted sliced almond on top and powder sugar (optional).


Why not use left over egg whites to make ‘Tuiles’ ? (#todayssweets). I draw chocolate swirls first…if you’re good at drawing (with melted chocolate), try to draw a face or an animal character like Hello Kitty? IMG_5746

My husband made the kefir biscuit last Saturday for breakfast. I think this is a winner! Light and moist and fantastic with yuzu marmalade!IMG_5752

Shio koji (塩麹)  is mellow and has sweet nuance. I brined cucumber and white radishes in it but there are a variety of vegetables you can use to make nice pickle. Here I made pickle sushi rolls for nice bites between meals. (#todaystapas)IMG_5774

Really? My husband checked the vegetable garden and surprise to find the cherry tomatoes still hanging in weathered vines. Sweet!DSC_7419

The cooler weather forced me to wear a jacket. Thankful that hot and sticky summer is gone…sad that pleasant and gentle October is leaving us.
The photo was taken at Costco parking lot. IMG_5758

Have a Happy Halloween!


  1. How nice! These look delicious! Thank you so much for sharing your recipes and lovely photos :)

    1. Thank you Linda. I love reading the quotes you posted.

  2. おはようございます。 桃のタルト、とても美味しそうです。 私は、桃が大好きです。

    1. お元気ですか? 東京は寒くなってきてますか? またたく間に年末近くになってしまいました。 結構しんみりしてます。 斎藤さんの旅の写真を見て癒されています。 コメントありがとうございます。

  3. おはようございます。 桃のタルト、とても美味しそうです。 私は、桃が大好きです。

  4. Hi Nipponin,

    Unlike you, I'll be sad to say goodbye to summer. Glad that it is Spring now in Australia :)

    I like all that you have made for Autumn. The tart looks awesome!


    1. Thank you Zoe. Are you having a good time in Singapore? Your mini apple rose tarts look fantastic!

  5. your such a talent and your pictures are so good

    1. Thank you Rebecca. I had a great time blog hopping from your blog! I must try powpow fruits.

  6. Oh my, how did you say "not glamorous." Your tart looks super glamorous and gorgeous....and de-lish! Kefir biscuit with yuzu marmalade sounds wonderful, too. I love yuzu, but it's hard to find here!
    I'm thankful that summer is gone, too....and hopefully nice and cool autumn stays for a bit longer :-) Have a great day!

    1. Thank you Tamago chan. I enjoy seeing your cats on your blog.

  7. pies definitely taste best in autumn... :) Yours looks so inviting as you've pre-baked the pie crust! We are often so lazy that we just bake it altogether and often end up with a soggy bottom pies:(

    1. Thank you Annie. I can't believe you 're still harvesting produce from your garden...you worked hard so nice to get reward for it.

  8. BTW thanks for the email...Miss L was so happy:)

  9. 西洋梨タルト美味しそう~!無塩バター半カップ。きっと濃厚な香りのタルトでしょうね。大好きなバター、卵、悲しいかな、この春から絶ってるんです。コレステロール値下げるために.......(;O;)...かなり下がりました。一切れなら食べても大丈夫かな。
    御主人もお菓子作られるのですね。ゆずマーマレイド入りで朝食にもおやつにもぴったり!Have a good day!

    1. コメントありがとうございます。 主人もコレステロールがちょっと高いです。本当はもっと気をつけた食生活をした方がいいのですけど、食道楽なので、難しいです。 ブログ毎回楽しみにしています。

  10. Me too, me too having a weakness for buttery biscuity crust. The combo of red wine poached pears and nutty filling is unbeatable. I love those chocolate swirled egg white tuiles too.

    1. Thank you Angie! You 're so kind. I definitely try the persimmon,delightful treats!

  11. 洋ナシはラ・フランスしか知りませんが、赤い皮のもあるんですね。可愛い色です。アーモンドクリーム、タルト、洋ナシが口の中で一つになった時のセンセーション、たまりませんね。よだれがでちゃう。ご主人のケフィアビスケットも逸品ですね。私の夫はそんなお洒落なことはできませんが、焼き魚は得意、火加減が上手なんです。ところで、私の写真、いつもほめていただきありがとう。ドラエモンの「どこでもドア」があれば、そちらまで歩いてお料理習いに行きたいです~。

    1. あはは、ドラえもん、懐かしい! 毎回ブログの写真を見ては、こんな風に撮りたいと思います。 こちらこそ、どこでもドアがほしいです。

  12. Everything looks so delicious!!

    1. Hi Jalna, Thank you so much for your comment. You're awesome! Love visiting your blog.

  13. What a fabulous tart! I did taste (and made) many fruit tarts, but I owuld never think of putting wine-poached eggs (which by the way I love on their own, so I imagine I'd fall in love for your tart).
    You have reminded me I haven't used the two packags of shio koji yet... Cucumber in shio koji sounds great.

    1. Thank you Sissi. Your new furikake recipe is interesting...nice, new flavor!

  14. This tart looks super delicious!:)

    1. Thank you very much! Your macarons look fantastic.

  15. This is one fine fall tart and the wine poached eggs are definitely an innovation!

    1. Thank you Katerina. I think your meatball recipe is great for Sunday dinner. I will put in crock pot and when we come home from church, it's ready!

  16. The tart looks fabulous! I wish to have a piece!

    I love pears so much...

    PS. It's Marcela (tortadellafiglia). I moved my blog to a new domain: http://tastefolio.com

    Hope you'll have time to stop by!

    1. Thank you Marcela. Your new site looks great and the cupcakes are so cute! I like the way you decorated.

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