豚バラ肉まき – Pork Belly Rolled Rice Balls
It’s a glum reality that August is drawing to an end. For me it as though the summer just fast forwarded…wait, rewind it, I didn’t digest it yet!
The ‘Toriaezu’ とりあえず(meaning ‘For the time being’) company, was famous for seasoned beef wrapped rice ball. It created a boom by campaigning for the item as the specialty food of Miyazaki prefecture in Kyushu Island. Its rise and fall is down right depressing to me. A few factors of the bankruptcy were mismanagement, over investment and the unforeseen decrease of popularity. A philosophical word was said in a Japanese movie ‘UDON’ that ‘There is always an end to any so called boom’
I’m swimming against the flow of the ‘boom ‘perhaps. Simple yet satisfying food like this never faces death in my recipe book. The change of season is inevitable, the arrival of dusk accelerated each day, the blue moon over the roof, having something comforting to eat, I have so much to be grateful for. Besides, I have the gentler side, hopefully slower pace of summer still left to enjoy.
Pork Belly Rolled Rice Balls adapted from ‘Today’s Cooking ‘ magazine.
- Cooked rice about 3 cups
- Thinly sliced pork belly approximately 1/2 pound
- 6 shiso leaves
- 2 Tablespoons each of soy sauce, mirin, sake, and water in a small bowl – this mixture is called tare.
- Seven spices (七味唐辛子) optional
- With moistened hands, make six 2-1/2 inch x 1 inch cylinders with warm rice. If you have rice molder as in this picture, you’re able to make perfect cylinders.
- Cut the pork belly meat to about 8 inches in length then lay a few strips to cover the width of the cylinder.
- Put 1 shiso leaf on top of meat and the molded rice on top of that. Roll it up nicely and shape it up if necessary.
- Heat a non-stick skillet at medium heat. Do not use oil, oil from pork belly is sufficient.
- Place the rolled up rice balls seam down in the skillet. Brown all over; 2-3 minutes.
- Turn off the heat and soak up oil from the pan with wadded paper towel.
- Turn heat back on then pour sauce/tare over from the edge of pan. Gently roll the meat wrapped rice to coat all over. Cook until the sauce is almost evaporated. Sprinkle seven spice if you so choose.
Salty anchovy works wonder with bland edamame (soybeans) salad.The tofu dressing I saw in Jalna’s blog come together without so (y) overwhelming.
The company tradition of Fridays off in the month of August is such a blessing! I applaud you, sir (my husband’s boss) for your generosity. My husband and I headed to downtown Portland for lunch not too far from his office.
Fattening name of ‘LARDO’ is a quirky kind of place but they have good foods.Pork belly sandwich, nice!
Thyme and rosemary french fries, good!
They specialize in pork dishes yet I decided to have the green bean sandwich. How’s that for thinking outside the box? Get back in the box quick!
This House Kimchi is a bit on the spicy side. Get it? Side?
Around corner from LARDO, Blue Star Donuts did not have cronuts, darn! The store caters to adults. This crème brulee filled donut came with a liquor tube which I threw right away.
This peanut butter powder and jelly donut was awesome!All donuts were made with brioche dough.
We bought two more donuts to go. Passion fruits and coco nib frosting, my fav!
Sea salt caramel. Mmmm OK.
‘See’ said my husband. If we have a dog, we could buy these donuts. Pretend to buy this donuts for your imaginary dog.
Attended two wedding receptions last week. I forgot my iPhone on first one…silly me. It was a perfect setting in a stunning English garden.
Grandfather leading grandson for a short dancing lesson…one two one two…
Others forgo the lessons, opted for free styling.
100’s of gorgeous roses, wow!.
Too enormous bird cages for even Big Bird.
Friends who own this property are incredibly lucky!.
On the way home from the reception we stopped to pick black berries.I had my dress on so I concentrated on taking photos. The weather is so pleasant, what a wonderful world! sort of… sing with me…I see trees of green…red roses too…
Thank you sweetheart!